
depending on what color wine you favor

Tea Wine Recipes

Out of all the various wine recipes I would think that tea wine recipes are the ones which cause the biggest stir. There are many different exotic ways to make wine ( even with dandelion ) but tea isn't usually on the top of anyone's list. First things first the 'wine making process'. in this article we are using the title tea wine so tea is the base ingredient ). You can achieve this by finely cutting up the base ingredient or maybe even boiling the ingredients.
Once this is done you are basically left with a pulp or mush that you add sugar and yeast to and put into a crock. Cover and allow to ferment for four to ten days. Open after the days are over and strain the pulp and return the liquid to the crock - allow to ferment until the bubbling stops inside the liquid.
Once the bubbling stops you must again re-open the wine and strain off then again return it to the container - this time wait about two months before re-opening, straining and bottling. Easy enough if you set it all out in steps before you.
Now to tea wine recipes. There are a few variations out there and many tea wine recipes seem a little bit fussy to me and over-complicated. Personally I find the black tea wine recipe the most user-friendly and this is the basic recipe that I have used the last couple of years. Firstly you need about 4-5 tablespoons of black tea, after this you should purchase either black or white grape concentrate that comes in can format ( depending on what color wine you favor ). Also add about 2 pounds of sugar ( must really be white sugar ). Purchase a packet of wine yeast from your local supermarket and to finish make sure you have about 5-6 pints of fresh water handy. Tea wine recipes really are that simple if you apply the steps for actually making the wine listed in the first few paragraphs.
As I've already mentioned there are much more intricate, complicated tea wine recipes out there but the one I have mentioned here is perfect for a newbie. HotNews PJMY12XIAOXU0827 :

